Losange bleu


Moving toward free (libre) open-source softwares



OSMAnd (instead of Google Maps)

Thorium (PeerTube instead of Youtube)

Red Moon Android (for night light on Android)

Antenna Pod (podcast on Android instead of Itunes)

KeePassDroid (for keeping/generating complex password)

Tusky (for Mastodon on Android)

Signal (instead of Whatsapp)


On your PC

Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Debian etc... (instead of IOS or Windows)

gtkpod (podcast transfer to ipod)

KeePass XC (for keeping/generating complex password)

Mattermost (instead of Slack)

Sengi (for Mastodon on Ubuntu)

System monitor: Conky (for Linux)

LibreOffice (instead or Microsoft pack office)

Gimp (instead of Photoshop)


On the internet

Framasoft : popular educational organization (a lot of free and open-source softwares)

chatons.org : collective of independant, transparent, open, neutral and ethical hosters providing FLOSS-based online services

Qwant/Ecosia/Duckduckgo (instead of Google)

Open Street Map (instead of Google Maps)

PeerTube (instead of Youtube)

Tutanota/protonmail (instead of Gmail/Hotmail etc...)

thepiratebay and Transmission to download stuff

Mozilla firefox (instead of Google Chrome) + add on:

*HTTPS everywhere

*I don't care about coockies

*Invidious Redirect (privacy on Youtube)

*Peertubeify (find Youtube video on PeerTube)

*uBlock Origin (blocks adds)

*uBlock (blocks adds)

*NoScript (block JS)

*QuickJava (de/reactivate Java, Javascript, Flash ou Silverlight)

*Clean Links ou RedirectCleaner (correct weird URLs)

*Remove Google Tracking

*Lightbeam (displays third party tracking cookies)

*Disconnect (see all of the invisible tracking and unsecured connections)

*Privacy Badger (blocks spying ads and invisible trackers)

*CookiesManager+ (manage coockies)

*Self-Destructing Cookies (delete cookies)

*Close 'n' forget (delete cookies and history)

*BetterPrivacy (control cookies)

*Random Agent Spoofer (send wrong information)



Open Science

Zotero + Zotero connector for Mozilla (bibliography)

semanticscholar.org (Scientific articles)

sci-hub.se (check the internet for the latest working version)

sci-bay.org (Scientific articles)

gen.lib.rus.ec (books)

Python/R (instead of Matlab)